Thursday, September 16, 2010


The hearing regarding the Stone Creek Development has been set for "October 12th". Please set aside this date to come to the Planning Commission meeting at 6:00pm.


  1. I live in Mockingbird Heights right next to the proposed development. I received a letter this week from the builder explaining what they were planning on putting in that area. It doesn't look like section 8, low income housing, etc. So Jay, I have heard the builders argument as to why they should be allowed to build. I'd like to hear your take on why you are against it?

  2. Jason,

    The builder, Tim Marroquin, is running around telling many lies about what was said by myself and others. At the end of the day, he has invested a lot of time, money and energy into building apartments in our backyards, but he has changed NOTHING from the last time this came before the Planning Commission. The dollar is more important to Mr. Marroquin than being a good neighbor to three neighborhoods. Mr. Marroquin is doing his best sales pitch to those that opposed the development the last time because he need to avoid the 20% rule we forced last time with the opposition.

    To set the record straight, I never said it would be section 8 housing. Rarely, if ever, are apartments built for section 8 use. However, as the buildings age and become less desirable they often shift their standards and look for ways to keep occupancy high while keeping rates low. Sometimes this means accepting section-8.

    The bigger issue at hand are that 3-story apartments and retail development next to our neighborhood will devalue the property values of the surrounding homes. Homeowners bought their houses knowing the surrounding zoning for the undeveloped land was R-1/R-2 (single family or duplex/garden homes/zero lot line homes). People made significant investments in these homes, and their values would be severely impacted by this development. Imagine if you just closed on one of the new Bella Vista homes that backs right up to the apartments. Six months after you bought your dream home that you saved years to buy some out-of-town developer builds a 35-foot, 192-unit complex 25-30 feet off your back fence. Is that fair to the existing homeowners who bought their homes with the confidence that the land would not be developed with a high-density use?

    The development would also bring increased traffic to FM1044. 192-units with 1.5 vehicles on average would be 288 vehicles entering the roadway (not including another 30-50 vehicles from the townhomes). FM 1044 is a 45mph road, which means turning left to go to IH-35 may be difficult at peak times. This means more vehicles may choose to turn right onto FM 1044, go to Schmidt and turn right through our neighborhood, and back to IH-35. That increases traffic dramatically through our neighborhood. We already have speed and noise issues on Schmidt, as well as people ignoring the stop sign. These are major safety concerns.

    I look forward to setting the record straight. This is now the second time Mr. Marroquin has chosen to personally attack my credibility rather than deal with the great desire of the surrounding neighborhoods for him to change his development.

    We will not have this development forced down our throats with lies and a smile.

    Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss it further. You can reach me at (830)626-7700 or (512)762-6672.

  3. Jay, thank you for giving me further information and details on this matter.

    I do agree the look will be changed having multi-story apartments in our neighborhood. But the look now isn't all that pleasing either as all of the trees were cleared out years ago. I've lived in the area now for over a decade so I remember what it used to be like over there.

    As to traffic, I'm not sure it will really increase it, but I do see your point.

    Thank you for responding to my questions, I appreciate it.

  4. The difference is that the current zoning is for single family or duplex, just like the surrounding neighborhoods. I agree that the clearing of the trees was a bad move by Mr. Moreno.
