Saturday, October 9, 2010


Please plan on attending the meeting on Tuesday, October 12th at New Braunfels City Hall at 6:00pm 

The Special Use Permit hearing is set for the first item on the agenda.  Mr. Marroquin has done nothing to change his development to conform with the existing neighborhoods.  A 192-unit apartment complex on 10 of the 18 acres is a extremely high density usage for a property that borders existing single-family homes.  That is a 3-story, 35-foot apartment complex in your backyard.

We need EVERYONE to show up as a sign of our neighborhoods objection to this plan.

Please plan on attending!

1 comment:

  1. Who's the HOA management company? My normal quarterly payment sent in June was just returned to the bank because it was uncashed. I've sent the payments for years and this is a first. I looked for AMS san antonio but it seems to no longer exist.
